Since 2021
- Ohtsuka, T.; Umnouysin, S.; Suchewaboripont, V.; Yimatsa, N.; Rodtassana, C.; Kida, M.; Iimura, Y.; Yoshitake, S.; Fujitake, N.; Poungparn, P. Biomass recovery of coastal young mangrove plantations in Central Thailand. Scientific Reports 2024, 14, 11359.
- Hamada, K.; Ohtsuka, T.; Fujitake, N.; Miyajima, T.; Yokoyama, Y.; Miyairi, Y.; Kida, M. Functional organic matter components in mangrove soils revealed by density fractionation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2024, 70, 2, 88-99.
- Knoke, M.; Dittmar, T.; Zielinski, O.; Kida, M.; Asp, N.; Eduardo de Rezende, C.; Schnetger, B.; Seidel, M. Outwelling of reduced porewater drives the biogeochemistry of dissolved organic matter and trace metals in a major mangrove-fringed estuary in Amazonia. Limnology & Oceanography 2024, 9999, 1-17.
- Kida, M.; Merder, J.; Fujitake, N.; Tanabe, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Sakae, K.; Dittmar, T. Determinants of Microbial-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter Diversity in Antarctic Lakes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2023, 57, 13, 5464–5473.
- Merder, J.; Kida, M; Dittmar, T. Using the Jensen–Shannon divergence to find dissimilarities between dissolved organic matter samples analyzed by high-resolution mass spectrometry. Zenodo 2022.
- Kida, M.; Watanabe, I.; Kinjo, K.; Kondo, M.; Yoshitake, S.; Tomotsune, M.; Iimura, Y.; Umnouysin, S.; Suchewaboripont, V.; Poungparn, S.; Ohtsuka, T.; Fujitake, N. Organic carbon stock and composition in 3.5-m core mangrove soils (Trat, Thailand). Science of The Total Environment 2021, 801, 149682 (9p).
- Kida, M.; Fujitake, N.; Kojima, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Sakae, K.; Dittmar, T. Dissolved Organic Matter Processing in Pristine Antarctic Streams. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2021, 55, 14, 10175–10185.
Before 2020
- Kida, M.; Fujitake, N. Organic Carbon Stabilization Mechanisms in Mangrove Soils: A Review. Forests 2020, 11 (9), 981 (15p).
- Ohtsuka, T.; Onishi, T.; Yoshitake, S.; Tomotsune, M.; Kida, M.; Iimura, Y.; Kondo, M.; Suchewaboripont, V.; Cao, R.; Kinjo, K.; Fujitake, N. Lateral Export of Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Carbon from a Small Mangrove Estuary with Tidal Fluctuation. Forests 2020, 11 (10), 1041 (15p).
- Hayashi, K.; Tanabe, Y.; Fujitake, N.; Kida, M.; Wang, Y.; Hayatsu, M.; Kudoh, S. Ammonia Oxidation Potentials and Ammonia Oxidizers of Lichen–Moss Vegetated Soils at Two Ice-Free Areas in East Antarctica. Microbes and Environments 2020, 35 (1), (5p).
- Kida, M.; Kondo, M.; Tomotsune, M.; Kinjo, K.; Ohtsuka, T.; Fujitake, N. Molecular Composition and Decomposition Stages of Organic Matter in a Mangrove Mineral Soil with Time. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 2019, 231, 106478 (8p).
- Tomotsune, M.; Arai, H.; Yoshitake, S.; Kida, M.; Fujitake, N.; Kinjo, K.; Ohtsuka, T. Effect of Crab Burrows on CO2 Flux from the Sediment Surface to the Atmosphere in a Subtropical Mangrove Forest on Ishigaki Island, Southwestern Japan. Estuaries and Coasts 2019, 1–9.
- Wu, H.; Kida, M.; Domoto, A.; Hara, M.; Ashida, H.; Suzuki, T.; Fujitake, N. The Effects of Fertilization Treatments and Cropping Systems on Long-Term Dynamics and Spectroscopic Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in Paddy Soil. Soil Sci Plant Nutr 2019, 1–9.
- Kudo, S.; Tanabe, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Kida, M.; Fujitake, N.; Uchida, M.; Imura, S. Meteorological Data from Ice-free Areas in Yukidori Zawa, Langhovde and Kizahashi Hama, Skarvsnes on Sôya Coast, East Antarctica during December 2014-December 2016. Polar Data J. 2019, 3, 37–45.
- Kida, M.; Kojima, T.; Tanabe, Y.; Hayashi, K.; Kudoh, S.; Maie, N.; Fujitake, N. Origin, Distributions, and Environmental Significance of Ubiquitous Humic-like Fluorophores in Antarctic Lakes and Streams. Water Res 2019, 163, 114901 (11p).
- Kida, M.; Tanabe, M.; Tomotsune, M.; Yoshitake, S.; Kinjo, K.; Ohtsuka, T.; Fujitake, N. Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Dynamics in a Subtropical Mangrove River Driven by Rainfall. Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 2019, 223, 6–17.
- Ohtsuka, T.; Tomotsune, M.; Suchewaboripont, V.; Iimura, Y.; Kida, M.; Yoshitake, S.; Kondo, M.; Kinjo, K. Stand Dynamics and Aboveground Net Primary Productivity of a Mature Subtropical Mangrove Forest on Ishigaki Island, South-Western Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science 2019, 100516 (10p).
- Sato, H.; Kida, M.; Yamano, S.; Sonoda, H.; Fujitake, N. Variable Relationships between the Hydrophobic Fraction of Dissolved Organic Matter and Metals in Scottish Freshwater before the Estuarine Mixing Zone. Limnology 2019, 20 (2), 215–224.
- Kida, M.; Sato, H.; Okumura, A.; Igarashi, H.; Fujitake, N. Introduction of DEAE Sepharose for Isolation of Dissolved Organic Matter. Limnology 2018, 20 (2), 153–162.
- Tomotsune, M.; Yoshitake, S.; Iimura, Y.; Kida, M.; Fujitake, N.; Koizumi, H.; Ohtsuka, T. Effects of Soil Temperature and Tidal Condition on Variation in Carbon Dioxide Flux from Soil Sediment in a Subtropical Mangrove Forest. Journal of Tropical Ecology 2018, 34 (4) (8p).
- Kida, M.; Fujitake, N.; Suchewaboripont, V.; Poungparn, S.; Tomotsune, M.; Kondo, M.; Yoshitake, S.; Iimura, Y.; Kinjo, K.; Maknual, C.; Ohtsuka, T. Contribution of Humic Substances to Dissolved Organic Matter Optical Properties and Iron Mobilization. Aquatic Sciences 2018, 80 (3), 26 (11p).
- Kida, M.; Myangan, O.; Oyuntsetseg, B.; Khakhinov, V.; Kawahigashi, M.; Fujitake, N. Dissolved Organic Matter Distribution and Its Association with Colloidal Aluminum and Iron in the Selenga River Basin from Ulaanbaatar to Lake Baikal. Environmental science and pollution research international 2018, 25 (12), 11948–11957.
- Kida, M.; Tomotsune, M.; Iimura, Y.; Kinjo, K.; Ohtsuka, T.; Fujitake, N. High Salinity Leads to Accumulation of Soil Organic Carbon in Mangrove Soil. Chemosphere 2017, 177, 51–55.
- Kida, M.; Ohtsuka, T.; Kato, T.; Suzuki, T.; Fujitake, N. Evaluation of Salinity Effect on Quantitative Analysis of Aquatic Humic Substances Using Nonionic DAX-8 Resin. Chemosphere 2016, 146, 129–132. (Master's work)
- Tsuda, K.; Kida, M.; Aso, S.; Kato, T.; Fujitake, N.; Maruo, M.; Hayakawa, K.; Hirota, M. Determination of Aquatic Humic Substances in Japanese Lakes and Wetlands by the Carbon Concentration-Based Resin Isolation Technique. Limnology 2015, 17 (1), 1–6. (Master's work)
- Kida, M.; Maki, K.; Takata, A.; Kato, T.; Tsuda, K.; Hayakawa, K.; Sugiyama, Y.; Fujitake, N. Quantitative Monitoring of Aquatic Humic Substances in Lake Biwa, Japan, Using the DAX-8 Batch Method Based on Carbon Concentrations. Organic Geochemistry 2015, 83, 153–157. (Master's work)
- 藤嶽暢英・木田森丸「3. 定量, 3-2. 天然水」『腐植物質分析ハンドブック―標準試料を例にして(第2版)』日本腐植物質学会監修, 出版日: 2019 年4月15日
- 菊川裕幸・木田森丸・圓増まどか・稲元友佳子・岸本賢一・加藤拓・藤嶽暢英「乾燥汚泥・竹チップ混和堆肥の熱水抽出液の特性評価と堆肥施用がダイズ(丹波黒大豆)の生育に及ぼす影響」日本土壌肥料学雑誌2018, 89, 4, 295-301
- 木田森丸・金城和俊・大塚俊之・藤嶽暢英「石垣島吹通川マングローブ林流域における溶存有機物の動態」日本生態学会誌2017, 67, 85-93